Jeff at Polish Hill

Jeffrey Grosset at Polish Hill Vineyard

“By improving plant and insect diversity and complexity, the vineyards are
literally,‘ coming to life’.”

Our A-Grade Certified Organic and Biodynamic Vineyards and Winery (ACO) status means that Grosset Wines meets strict standards set by ACO (Australian Certified Organics). These standards can be a far cry from ‘an organic approach’ or ‘following organic principles’ – claims which tend to be self-determined and unconfirmed.

We believe that certification is just the beginning… by improving plant and insect diversity and complexity, the vineyards have literally, ‘come to life’. This makes our vineyards not only a joy to work in or visit, but the pristine nature of the fruit means unimpeded expression of variety and place: put more simply, better wine!

Biodynamic herbs

Biodynamic Pit

Our biodynamic cowpat pit – used to prepare biodynamic sprays and compost

Matt smelling the soil

Vineyard Manager Matt, smelling the ‘sweet’ soil